Agency Rates
Why should I book with a travel advisor instead of just booking a trip myself?
Have you ever felt like you were lost in the abyss of the internet? Custom travel planning is time consuming and for many can be overwhelming. Where do I go? Which hotels are the best for us? Which tours and excursions should we choose? Who is a reputable company that we can depend on for airport transfers and getting from city to city? Not to mention any special travel requirements.
It’s a lot! We help you sort through the options and handle every detail – you enjoy!
Express Booking

$250 & UP
For 7 Day trip, add $100 for each additional week
Domestic Travel
Fees are non‐refundable and non-transferable and due just after first consultation.
$250 & UP
For 7 Day trip, add $100 for each additional week
Caribbean Travel

$500 & Up
For 7 Day trip, add $100 for each additional week
International Travel
$300 & UP
Group Travel / Private Event
$50/ Person
Air Travel
Club Membership

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